Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

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The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

Best Ebook PDF The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

Lifelong liberal Kirsten Powers blasts the Left's forced march towards conformity in an exposé of the illiberal war on free speech. No longer champions of tolerance and free speech, the "illiberal Left" now viciously attacks and silences anyone with alternative points of view.  Powers asks, "What ever happened to free speech in America?"

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #17692 in Books
  • Brand: Powers, Kirsten
  • Published on: 2015-05-11
  • Released on: 2015-05-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.10" h x 1.10" w x 6.10" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 304 pages
The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

Review "A searing and courageous indictment of the growing intolerance of the American left—written with passion and eloquence by one of the nation's most principled and fair-minded liberals. An important book on a subject many are simply too afraid to touch."—Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize–winning syndicated columnist and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Things That Matter"Kirsten Powers convincingly calls out her fellow liberals for being astonishingly illiberal. A great read."—Brit Hume, Fox News senior political analyst"Kirsten Powers explodes and skewers 'The Silencing'—the demonizing and repression of different views, especially conservative views. Here is a liberal calling out other supposedly liberal people who claim to believe in free speech but tell all who disagree with them to shut up. Hallelujah—you are lucky to have this book in your hands!"—Juan Williams, Fox News political analyst and New York Times bestselling author of Muzzled"I salute my friend Kirsten Powers for boldly and eloquently breaking the spiral of silence on silencing."—Eric Metaxas, New York Times bestselling author of Miracles and Bonhoeffer"Tolerance and free expression are founding values of our republic and yet they're under attack from the extreme wings of the American political spectrum. Shining a harsh light on the 'illiberal left,' Kirsten Powers exposes a grim campaign to silence speech. This is an important book."—Ron Fournier, senior political columnist and editorial director of National Journal"In this examination of the multiplying attacks on freedom of speech, Kirsten Powers casts a cool eye on the damages done to politics, academia, and civic discourse by the aggressive assertion of a perverse new entitlement. It is the postulated right to pass through life without being disturbed, annoyed, offended, or discomposed by the expression of anyone else's thoughts."—George F. Will, Pulitzer Prize–winning syndicated columnist and author of the New York Times bestseller A Nice Little Place on the North Side

From the Inside Flap Free speech and freedom of conscience have long been core American values. Yet a growing intolerance from the left side of the political spectrum is threatening Americans' ability to freely express beliefs without fear of retaliation. USA Today columnist and Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers calls it "The Silencing."Powers chronicles this forced march toward conformity in an exposé of the illiberal tactics deployed to shut down debate on some of the most important issues of the day. While preaching tolerance and claiming to hold liberal values, the "illiberal left" works to delegitimize political and ideological opponents in ways that stifle freedom of expression, thought, and religious belief.In The Silencing, Kirsten Powers, herself a proud liberal--but from a far more tolerant Jeffersonian tradition--exposes the illiberal left. You'll learn:

  • Why the illiberal left has become an Orwellian "big brother," policing what it deems acceptable speech and opinions
  • How the illiberal left is obsessed with delegitimizing Fox News
  • How illiberal left pundits--even self-proclaimed "feminists" (and Powers names names)--engage in outrageously misogynistic and sexist dismissals of their female opponents
  • How illiberal colleges and universities limit freedom of expression to tightly regulated "free speech zones" and ban speakers (even liberals) with whom the illiberal left disagrees
  • How "truth" matters little to the illiberal left, for whom ideology is everything
  • How is it that liberalism, once associated with open-mindedness and reason, has become a vehicle for irrational prejudice, ideological conformity, and the marginalization and punishment of alternative opinions? Kirsten Powers chronicles this troubling trend in perhaps the most important--and chilling--political book of the year.

About the Author Kirsten Powers is a Fox News contributor and columnist for USA Today. Powers has been called "Fox's liberal to be reckoned with" by Mediaite and "an outspoken liberal journalist" by the Columbia Journalism Review. The Women's Media Center lauded Powers as a "trailblazer," "powerful," and an "exceptional professional." Prior to her career in journalism, Powers worked in Democratic Party politics and the Clinton administration. She has been published in the Wall Street Journal, New York Observer, New York Post, The Daily Beast, Elle,, and the American Prospect online. A native of Fairbanks, Alaska, and graduate of the University of Maryland at College Park, Powers currently resides in Washington, D.C.

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

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Most helpful customer reviews

503 of 558 people found the following review helpful. A sweeping account, based on personal experience. Will it change anything? By Graham H. Seibert Kirsten Powers opens up by explaining that she is not a natural conservative. She comes from an Irish, working-class background and considered herself Democratic all of her life. She went to George Washington University and the University of Maryland, one which I attended, the other one just down the street. They are liberal bastions. Her life's experience has made her more conservative.The subtitle of the book, How the Left Is Killing Free Speech, and her choice of a publisher, Regnery, suggest that this is a radically right-wing book. It is not at all that. It is simply a plea for common sense. Here, already before she has started, her point is made. Liberal orthodoxy has so defined the spectrum of thought in modern America that simply to question it, which is all she really wants to do, is to brand oneself as a right-winger.Miss Powers is a USA Today contributor and a Fox News contributor. These are both centrist mass outlets, conservative mainly in the sense that they are often smeared as conservative. At 36 she is relatively young. She does not make many historical references. Let me start out with a few.Saul Alinsky wrote the book on smearing conservatives. He called it “Rules for Radicals.” (NB: I included his rules as the 8th comment below.) The techniques that Miss Powers describes have been used by propagandists for all of my lifetime. I live in Ukraine, and note with chagrin that Russia is extremely effectively applying most of the techniques that she describes in order to vilify Ukraine and turn the Russian people (and American and European libertarians!) into unthinking supporters of Vladimir Putin.The illiberal liberal camp, her word, champions pet issues which will be familiar to any reader of this review. On the social scene they advocate feminism, same-sex marriage, and racial equality. In public policy they believe in Obamacare and have a dogmatic belief in global warming. They do not argue. They assume the correctness of their positions, and use all of Akinsky’s nefarious techniques to demonize, discredit, disorient and delegitimize their opposition.Powers' examples are in large part from her own life. She refers repeatedly to Fox News. It is a favorite bête noire of the liberals. They delegitimize it, calling it not really a news organization. They accuse it of constant, unremitting bias. They invent cute names for it like Faux News. And yet it thrives – the beast thrives! The American people are not dumb, and they are becoming inured to the unrelenting propaganda attacks.The book is very strong on examples concerning women and women’s issues. She talks about the so-called “rape culture” on campus and the feminists’ vicious attacks on people such as columnist George Will who question the statistics that they drag up to support their case. She points out the hypocrisy of women who attack other women simply because their politics are not in accord with progressives. They question the very femininity of women on Fox, calling them blonde bimbos and sarcastically questioning whether they are really women, or men masquerading as women, or female robots controlled by men. They use every device that they can muster to delegitimize the people, without addressing the arguments that the people make.Second to the feminists is her attention to the gay rights lobby. They absolutely will not brook dissent, any deviation from the party line. Even fellow homosexuals can be brutally attacked when they advocate, for instance, tolerance of other points of view.Although race is a subtext in many of the arguments, Powers generally steers clear of race issues. She tackles Al Sharpton in the sphere of sexism. She has a chapter covering the supposed rape that never happened at the University of Virginia (the Rolling Stone fiasco), Duke University (the lacrosse players) and New York – Tawana Brawley. Going back in history, she does recount the treatment of Democratic stalwart Daniel Patrick Moynihan when he questioned the pernicious effect of single-family upbringings within the black community.Besides George Will, other personalities she cites frequently include Jeb Rubenfeld of Harvard, a lawyer who frequently challenges the legality of many of the illiberal liberals’ positions. He is, incidentally and not mentioned, the husband of Tiger mom Amy Chua. Powers talks about what happened to the chief executives officers of Chick-fil-A and Mozilla when they made statements and political contributions to support a traditional definition of marriage. She spends a page on Steven Pinker, the Harvard/MIT professor who has been very brave and eloquent in his defense of academic freedom. I recommend Pinker’s book The Blank Slate for a description of how not just conservatives, but honest scientists are abused by people when their science might reveal things that the liberals don’t want brought to light.As an example, she cites the treatment of a famous scientist, Lazar Greenfield, who juried an article which came to the conclusion that women who have unprotected sex seem to get a mood elevating experience which is not shared by women who have sex with condoms. His conclusion was that there is something in semen that elevates women's moods. The feminists took offense and got this eminent scientist fired.Quite a bit of the book focuses on campus life, especially the enforced political correctness on American university campuses. She says that conservatives have a difficult time being accepted. They are not accepted as commencement speakers, they are shouted down in classrooms, they are denied tenure and sent elsewhere. I will say amen to that. I attended the graduate school of education at the University of Maryland starting in 2004, on a free tuition program for senior citizens. The professors were almost universally hostile to this experienced, older straight white man; the students split between being aggressively hostile and simply curious that a person such as me might exist in the world. Rather than fight the educators, I switched to a PhD program in statistics, where facts matter. I can speak with authority about the magnitude of the problem on campus ten years ago. In this connection I recommend an excellent book by David Gelernter, Unabomber victim and Yale professor, America Lite, offering his analysis of how the radicals took over American academia starting in the 1950s and the power they now have.What purpose does this book serve? Miss Powers does a good job of documenting a situation that exists. She has an extraordinarily extensive biography, and I can offer one as well, all of which document the same thing as it has occurred not only for all of her lifetime, but even over all of my lifetime. Telling people about it, however, does not change much. It has been done many times before.She offers a large number of examples of the illiberal liberals turning on their own. As mentioned, the homosexuals who advocate tolerance of other points of view; feminists who are willing to listen to the pro-life arguments; people who would actually invite students to listen to opposing points of view; reporters who honestly investigate the sins of not only the Bush administration but the Obama administration. One would hope that some of these liberals might be chastened. They might become frightened for the future of America, and speak up against the abuses that they suffered at the hands of other liberals. Sadly, this is not usually the case. They simply learn to shut up. That is the precisely message that the illiberal liberals want to spread – shut up if you know what’s good for you.Where does it go from here? I think one needs a broader perspective on society than simply these media oriented issues, social issues. This liberality has destroyed higher education. See Dinesh Dsouza 's Illiberal Education for the definitive work on higher education. Diane Ravitch, though somewhat disparaged by Powers in this book as a doctrinaire liberal, did a pretty good analysis of the school bureaucracies in Left Back: a Century of Failed School Reform. This liberality has moreover destroyed the economy. Conservative voices, dissenting voices have not been allowed in economic policy. This is true not only in America but the whole developed world. It is uncontroversial to claim that the levels of public debt worldwide in 2015 far exceed any historical record. It is becoming increasingly less controversial to claim with horror that it will end badly, in a prolonged recession and social turmoil. Although Powers does not make the point, the feminist and GLBT movements have severely undercut white and Asian America’s ability to reproduce itself. There will never again be a generation nearly as large as the baby boomers, and the following generations are simply unable to support them with the generous benefits they have voted themselves in terms of Social Security and Medicare. Something has to give.In summary, Powers book is not going to solve the problems, but it does a great job of documenting them. When the problems solve themselves, in whatever ugly fashion they choose, her book will have turned out to be prescient. A five-star effort.

280 of 313 people found the following review helpful. "We must silence Free Speech--FOR THE GREATER GOOD!", said the ILLIBERAL By ProfessorF Be afraid, be very afraid, because the events described in Kirsten's book are snowballing. I think this should be a candidate for book of the year. Let me explain. I am a professor at a liberal state university, and I see all of the situations in Kirsten's book unfolding first hand. In fact, my university was listed in Kirsten's book as one of the colleges that threatened or derecognized Christian groups for their refusal to say they would not 'discriminate' on the base of belief--and I served on one of those hearing committees!Anyway, this book exposes a disturbing trend happening in the US and specifically in college campuses in general--the assault on free speech by a growing segment of liberals that Kirsten calls ILLIBERALS (I like this term because it sounds like illogical and liberal juxtaposed).For ILLIBERALS, free speech is fine, as long as it's the kind of speech they agree with. Anything else must be silenced FOR THE GREATER GOOD. Of course, they define what "the greater good is" and it rarely is good for society as a whole.ILLIBERALS feel any speech they disagree with is violence against them. And they feel warranted in some cases to use physical violence. Kirsten gave the example of a UCSB professor who >physically attacked< a teenage pro-life activist. Her university hailed her as a hero. Which I find funny because a professor at my university tweeted a post about fat graduate students not having will power, and he was reprimanded, and told to take sensitivity training, removed from committees, and had to issue a public apology.Kirsten describes two main techniques that ILLIBERALS use to silence free speech, and gives copious examples throughout. The techniques are:1) Dehumanization--you're not a good open-minded person (GOMP)!2) Demonization--you're racist, sexist, misogynist, or any other *-istHere's why you should be concerned. These ILLIBERALS are trying to kill free speech, and more generally freedom of expression and freedom of choice in videogames, science fiction, comic books, and all other entertainment media.ILLIBERALS are trying to force a narrative on society, to force society to think a particular way. The use silencing and shaming techniques to beat people into thought submission. And they justify this force as FOR THE GREATER GOOD.It's scary, because we think ILLIBERALS are just wrong. But ILLIBERALS feel deep in their hearts that we -- the classic and moderate liberals -- are EVIL, a menace to society that they are morally justified in stamping out by any means possible. Sure, it's silencing & shaming tactics today, but tomorrow?So get this book read it, and spread the examples far and wide. Expose this assault on free speech.

205 of 239 people found the following review helpful. Free Speech is the most important right we have because without it we can't enjoy any of the others. By Craig Matteson Like millions of other people, I watch and enjoy Fox News. Kirsten Powers is one of the reasons I enjoy that News Outlet. While many of the Progressives / Liberals on that channel are also fine journalists, some of the Liberal talking heads are there to carry water for their bosses, be it Obama or Hillary or whomever. Kirsten Powers is a person of deep conviction and belief. She comes to her views sincerely and honestly, and I enjoy hearing from people like that.She grew up as a Liberal child in Conservative Alaska. Her parents were Liberal academics who taught at the local University. Her house mourned when Carter lost to Reagan while their neighbors cheered. During her adult life, she became a professional in various aspects of Democrat political life and eventually she came to Fox News. A few years after that, she became a Christian. Still a sincere Liberal, she also began to see the bubble she had been living in for what it was.Powers uses this book to point out the problems with the political debate in our Country right now and while both parties have some guilt in the sins she enumerates; the Liberals in academia, the media, and in the highest offices in the land are the most egregious and systematic offenders.She points out that only about a quarter of adults over 45 think there is too much free speech in America. But over 45% of those 18 to 45 do! That means as those adults mature and become the authority figures in society, free speech is going to be in trouble. We hear many on the Left, including Hillary Clinton(!) saying the first amendment must be changed because it is infringing on too many other rights – the ones she and other Progressives prefer and can’t win if there is open and free debate about them. Powers is quite concerned about this and thinks that the Liberals in this country should own the first amendment the way Conservatives own the second. I don’t know about that, but I understand her sentiment. She calls the Liberals who want to stifle and regulate free speech for their political agenda’s sake “illiberals”.In this terrific book, the author takes us through the weaponization of delicate sensibilities and how those most widely and easily offended gain tremendous power in academia. They get professors tossed, students kicked out, the awful speech codes, “free speech” zones (isn’t all of America supposed to be a free speech zone?), speakers cancelled, and administrators fired. She shows us the awful hypocrisy of feminists in using language and illogic that would be offensive if used by a man, but is dismissed when used by the likes of, Gloria Steinem, and the other High Priestesses of Political Feminism. Powers herself has been attacked for working at Fox News by Steinem and others, and dismissed as a just another “Fox blonde”. Just horrible stuff. Somehow Feminists can dismiss a woman because of her looks, but if mentioned by ANYONE else, it is a capital crime.The feminists also use bogus statistics such as the women earn 77% of men trope. Even though it is widely discredited, it is still used. When called on using this phony statistic, the Center for America Progress claimed it was merely a “colloquialism” as a stand in for the greater economic truth. As Powers points out: “It’s not true, but represents the truth. Got that? And don’t you dare question it.” (page 178).I also enjoyed her discussion of how other journalists have been sticking for Fox News against the well-orchestrated and baseless attacks from the Obama Administration and Media Matters. Good for them. She also points out how thin skinned the Obama team is. They have even resorted to providing their own videographer and changing or censoring the pool reports the media uses to do their reporting on the Whitehouse. When Elena Kagan was nominated for the Supreme Court the ONLY interview she did was put out by the Whitehouse TV. Really. (page 134).I agree with the author that we would all do better if we broadened our social circles to include people we don’t normally feel comfortable socializing with. We don’t always have to agree. But we should always be able to discuss and have conversations with people who don’t view the world as we do. We might learn something.Please get and read this very fine book.Reviewed by Craig Matteson, Saline, MI

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The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers
The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

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Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

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A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

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This text can be used for any undergraduate or graduate course with a primate behavior or primate ecology component. It can also be used as supplemental reading, for any advanced animal behavior class. There are very few books that address the biology of nocturnal primates. There are even fewer that delve with any detail regarding the behavior of specific species. These animals are difficult to follow. Their diminutive size, the thickness of the vegetation, and their nocturnal habits, make the study of their habits a demanding task.Through a trial of patience, Sylvia Atsalis has undertaken this task. Here she provides an in depth view at the life and behavioral patterns of these tiny primates. A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur provides the most complete look at the behavior and ecology of mouse lemurs.

A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

  • Published on: 2015-09-30
  • Released on: 2015-09-30
  • Format: Kindle eBook
A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

About the Author Sylvia Atsalis is Coordinator of the Student Center for Science Engagement at Northeastern Illinois University. She has over twenty years experience teaching, advising, and offering professional development to students in STEM disciplines.

A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Informative and Scientific By Fitzherbert Farnsworth I have been "in love" with Mouse Lemurs since I first saw them in Sir David Attenborough's nature documentaries. Wanting to know more about these critters, I searched for books but found only one - this one, recently written. It is apparently the doctoral thesis of Ms. Sylvia Atsalis. It is very thorough and analytical in keeping with its scientific origin. Lots of charts, diagrams and statistics about tail circumference ,migratory habits, the monthly percentage of types of insects caught and eaten and so forth.... This is a wonderful addition for our scientific knowledge of these animals. But as a lay person with no scientific inclination, I was still also able to get something out of this book. There are chapters on Diet, Reproduction and the Social life of the Brown Mouse Lemur (she often addresses also the Grey Mouse Lemur - most of the research to date has been on this variety). There is even a chapter entitled," A Year in the Life of the Brown Mouse Lemur".Admittedly, I had to skim over the more in-depth sections about "Mean Body Mass" or the "Phytochemical Analysis of Select Fruits eaten by...." but I also came away from the book feeling I had a better overall understanding of this animal and besides, Ms. Atsalis provides referrals to other sources of reading on Mouse Lemurs.And after all, this book is designed for those in the field, and as such, it is perfect. But I also feel the book has much to offer the general public and anyone interested in these winsome creatures.

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A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis
A Natural History of the Brown Mouse Lemur, by Sylvia Atsalis

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The new edition of Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks 2015 has been fully updated for the SolidWorks 2015 software package. All tutorials and figures have been modified for the new version of the software. The eleventh edition of this text primarily consists of chapter-long tutorials, which introduce both basic concepts in solid modeling and more advanced applications of solid modeling in engineering analysis and design. Each tutorial is organized as "keystroke-level" instructions, designed to teach the use of the software.

While these tutorials offer a level of detail appropriate for new professional users, this text was developed to be used as part of an introductory engineering course, taught around the use of solid modeling as an integrated engineering design and analysis tool. Features such as: Design Intent Boxes and Future Study Boxes, help to integrate the concepts learned in solid modeling into the overall study of engineering.

Additional resources are also available with this text at Included on the website are tutorials for three popular SolidWorks Add-Ins, SolidWorks Simulation, SolidWorks Motion and PhotoView 360, and the book figures in PowerPoint format. Instructors can also access PowerPoint files for each chapter and model files for all tutorials and end-of-chapter problems as well as a teaching guide.

Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks 2015, by William Howard, Joseph Musto

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #656744 in Books
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  • 400 pages
Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks 2015, by William Howard, Joseph Musto

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. For the price you pay the book is awful. ... By An Average shopper For the price you pay the book is awful. There are leaps in logic when you try to follow the instructions.

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Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks 2015, by William Howard, Joseph Musto

Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks 2015, by William Howard, Joseph Musto
Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks 2015, by William Howard, Joseph Musto

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

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Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

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Excerpt from Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1Asa Gray's first scientific paper was published in 1834; his last was written in 1887, a few weeks before the end of his life. The number of his contributions to science and their variety is remarkable, and astonishes his associates even, familiar as they were with his intellectual activity, his various attainments, and that surprising industry which neither assured position, the weariness of advancing years, nor the hopelessness of the task he had imposed upon himself, ever diminished.Professor Gray's writings may be naturally grouped in four divisions. The first in importance contains his contributions to descriptive botany. These with few exceptions were devoted to the flora of North America, and although it did not fall to his lot, as it did to that of some of his contemporaries, to elaborate any one of the great families of plants, the extent and character of his contributions to systematic botany will place his name among those of the masters of the science.His works of a purely educational character are only second in importance to his writings on the flora of North America; and their influence upon the development of botanical knowledge in this country, during the half century which elapsed between the publication of the first and the last of the series, has been great and must long be felt. No text-books of science surpass them in the philosophical treatment of the subjects they embrace, or in the beauty and clearness of their style.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

  • Published on: 2015-09-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .84" w x 5.98" l, 1.20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 410 pages
Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

Where to Download Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good By Big penguin Very helpful,and cheap. Yet there is a little flaw, that is, some printing is not that clear. Generally, it worth it.

See all 1 customer reviews... Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray PDF
Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray iBooks
Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray ePub
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Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray Kindle

Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray
Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint), by Asa Gray

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Because e-book Trapping Wild Animals In Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), By Charles Mayer has terrific advantages to check out, many individuals now expand to have reading behavior. Supported by the developed innovation, nowadays, it is simple to download the e-book Trapping Wild Animals In Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), By Charles Mayer Even guide is not alreadied existing yet in the marketplace, you to hunt for in this web site. As exactly what you could discover of this Trapping Wild Animals In Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), By Charles Mayer It will really alleviate you to be the very first one reading this book Trapping Wild Animals In Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), By Charles Mayer and also obtain the advantages.

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Best Ebook PDF Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Excerpt from Trapping Wild Animals in Malay JunglesTrapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles was written by Charles Mayer in 1921. This is a 233 page book, containing 54195 words. Search Inside is enabled for this title.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

  • Published on: 2015-09-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .50" w x 5.98" l, .71 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 238 pages
Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Where to Download Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Still one of my favorite books By C.E. Martin An engrossing read of times long past, set in the pulp era. This probably-embellished saga of the life of an early 20th century animal trapper is still as good as the first time I read it as a child. So glad to get to read it again as an ebook, even a badly formatted one. Get a glimpse of Southeast Asia before communism and what life was like in the region for those first Westerners bold enough to seek their fortune there.

See all 1 customer reviews... Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

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Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer
Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles (Classic Reprint), by Charles Mayer

North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam,

North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

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North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

Best PDF Ebook Online North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

Features of North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep (NC-RELEP):

  • National Principles & Law Key Point Review
  • Real Estate Math Key Formula Review & Practice
  • North Carolina-Specific Laws and Regulations Key Point Review
  • National Practice Tests (500 questions)
  • North Carolina Practice Tests (125 questions)
  • North Carolina Sample Exam (100 questions)
  • “'North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep' is a clear winner for prelicense students in North Carolina prepping for the state exam. It has the full battery of national & state practice tests, and also contains concisely written national and state cram cards that will be very helpful to students trying to learn and remember all the state laws and regulations we taught them in class.” Richard Barden NC Real Estate Instructor Fmr. Director of Education, Cumbie Institute Asheville, NC We know the real estate licensing exam can be tough, and very nerve-wracking to prepare for. That’s why we created the North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep (NC-RELEP) the way we did. Since we have been managing real estate schools and developing curriculum for forty years, we know how all this works – or fails to work. NC-RELEP is comprehensive in that it contains both key content review and testing practice. And the text review is North Carolina-specific – not just simplistic national content, but terse, relevant and accurate North Carolina laws and regulations presented as a well-organized set of state ‘key point reviews’ ideal for pre-test memorization. But let’s not dismiss the importance of the national content either. NC-RELEP’s national key point reviews are a succinct compression of tested national principles and practices that comprise the national portion of state license exams from coast to coast. Our content is drawn from our own national textbook, Principles of Real Estate Practice – one of the most widely used principles textbooks in the country. Finally, our national content, as well as our question selection, is further tailored to the state testing outline promulgated by AMP for North Carolina. Thus the breadth and depth of the law reviews and test questions reflect the topic emphasis of your state’s testing service and your North Carolina license exam. A word about the test questions… NC-RELEP’s testing practice section consists of ten national practice tests, three state practice tests, and one state exam sample test. The practice tests are roughly 50 questions in length and the sample test is 100 questions. The test questions are designed to cover the content covered by the law reviews – which reinforces your learning of the total body of information tested by your state exam. The questions are direct, to the point, and designed to test your understanding. When you have completed a given test, you can check your answers against the answer key in the appendix. You may also note that each question’s answer is accompanied by a brief explanation, or “rationale” to further reinforce your understanding. In the end, as you know, it’s all up to you. Unlike other publications, we are not going to tell you that using this book will guarantee that you pass your state exam. It still takes hard work and study to pass. But we have done our best here to get you ready. Following that, the most we can do is wish you the best of success in taking and passing your North Carolina real estate exam. So good luck!!

    North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

    • Amazon Sales Rank: #74318 in Books
    • Published on: 2015-05-06
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 11.00" h x .57" w x 8.50" l, 1.30 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 250 pages
    North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

    About the Author For over forty years, Stephen Mettling and David Cusic, PhD, have operated Performance Programs Company, one of the nation's most successful custom training organizations specializing in real estate program development. Mr. Mettling and Dr. Cusic have jointly written over 100 books, courses, and custom programs in all facets of real estate for some of the country’s largest organizations including the National Association of Realtors® and its many Institutes. Mr. Mettling has also served as vice president and author for the country’s largest real estate training and publishing organization. Under various capacities, he has managed the acquisition, development, and sale of national real estate textbooks and publications, as well as directed the country's largest affiliated group of real estate schools. Dr. Cusic, an author and educator with international real estate training experience, has been engaged in vocation-oriented education since 1966. Specializing in real estate training since 1983, he has developed numerous real estate training programs for corporate and institutional clients around the country. Ryan Mettling, junior partner and currently general manager and marketing director of Performance Programs, is an accomplished online curriculum designer, author and course developer. Mr. Mettling graduated Valedictorian from the University of Central Florida’s College of Business Administration.

    North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

    Where to Download North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

    Most helpful customer reviews

    5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. ONLY 18 PAGES ON NC EXAM PREP ?!?!?!?!?!? By P G This book literally has only 18 pages for North Carolina Exam Prep with Very limited, muddled explinations.Do yourself a favor and just get the Barron's Real Estate book and even better than that is the Real Estate Exam for Dummies and find another source for NC real estate Prep.

    2 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Not a study guide By Kelly Layburn My instructor did not offer opportunity to get study notes together to learn the material so I bought this book thinking it would have a complete summary of each chapter in the NC Real Estate book to use as study notes/guide. IT DOES NOT. The very brief summaries the book does have is not by chapter but rather topic and VERY incomplete. I did not get to the point to where I could review the testing questions, since I could not get study material together to get that far. I guess it is back to the 12 hour day plan where I manually put the study guide together myself. I had to drop the course since the schedule does not allow time to do the instructors job as well as my own as a student. I was trying this book as a last resort. It didn't work for me.

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. There were several questions and answers that were wrong. ... By Kathy Riley There were several questions and answers that were wrong. Otherwise it was helpful as a review to my text book.

    See all 7 customer reviews... North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

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    North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

    North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

    North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling
    North Carolina Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Review and Testing To Pass North Carolina's AMP Real Estate Exam, by Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

    Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively,

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Exceptional Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, By Fred S. Steingold Attorney publication is constantly being the very best close friend for investing little time in your workplace, night time, bus, and everywhere. It will certainly be a great way to just look, open, and check out guide Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, By Fred S. Steingold Attorney while in that time. As known, encounter and ability do not constantly come with the much money to acquire them. Reading this publication with the title Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, By Fred S. Steingold Attorney will certainly let you know a lot more things.

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Read Online Ebook Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    All the laws employers need to know

    Employment laws change often. Staying on top of them is essential to running an efficient, fair workplace—and heading off expensive lawsuits. Use this comprehensive guide to find answers to workplace questions, quickly and easily.

    The Employer’s Legal Handbook covers all the employment law issues you need to know about, including:

    • applications, interviews and hiring
    • must-have personnel policies
    • wage and hour laws
    • employee discipline and performance reviews
    • health care and other employee benefits
    • employee taxes and payroll
    • family and medical leave
    • employee privacy
    • illegal harassment and discrimination
    • terminations
    • downsizing and layoffs

    The 12th edition provides updated 50-state legal information and explains the latest developments in employment law, including health care reform.

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    • Amazon Sales Rank: #40565 in Books
    • Brand: Steingold, Fred S.
    • Published on: 2015-05-30
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.25" w x 7.00" l, .0 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 496 pages
    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Review “Offers a sensible, real life approach to dealing with employees.” The Wall Street Journal “Belongs on every business owner’s bookshelf.” Los Angeles Times “A comprehensive guide to the legal rights and obligations of employers.” Detroit News

    About the Author Attorney Fred S. Steingold practices law in Ann Arbor, Michigan. An expert on small business law, he represents and advises many small businesses. He is the author of Legal Guide for Starting & Running a Small Business and The Employer's Legal Handbook. His monthly column, "The Legal Advisor," is carried by trade publications across the country.

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Where to Download Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Most helpful customer reviews

    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. The facts and just the right amount of supporting explanation By Ian Maddox This book is the perfect tool for me as a first-time owner of a business with employees. It is well laid out and explains the things you should and should not do with enough supporting evidence that it is easy to make the right choices for your company.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Amber J Picchiarini Very helpful

    See all 2 customer reviews... Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

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    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney
    Employer's Legal Handbook, The: Manage Your Employees & Workplace Effectively, by Fred S. Steingold Attorney

    Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

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    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Best Ebook PDF Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Join Nancy Clancy in New York Times bestselling team Jane O’Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser’s fourth Nancy Clancy chapter book! In this perfect follow-up to Super Sleuth, Secret Admirer, and Sees the Future, Nancy and her best friend, Bree, must go back in time to solve a mystery. Nancy and Bree set out to unlock the secret of the silver key in the hopes of finding some treasure along the way. But solving the mystery soon proves to be more difficult than they had thought, and when the answer isn’t what they expect, Nancy and Bree learn there are some things that remain timeless forever.

    Fans of Fancy Nancy will love joining Nancy Clancy in the latest edition to the chapter book series. The central theme of all the Nancy Clancy books shines through, showing the power of positive thinking and the will to never give up.

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    • Amazon Sales Rank: #14756 in Books
    • Brand: O'Connor, Jane/ Preiss-Glasser, Robin (ILT)
    • Published on: 2015-05-05
    • Released on: 2015-05-05
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 7.63" h x .29" w x 5.13" l, .26 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 144 pages
    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    From the Back Cover

    Join Nancy Clancy in New York Times bestselling team Jane O’Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser’s fourth Nancy Clancy chapter book! In this perfect follow-up to Super Sleuth, Secret Admirer, and Sees the Future, Nancy and her best friend, Bree, must go back in time to solve a mystery. Nancy and Bree set out to unlock the secret of the silver key in the hopes of finding some treasure along the way. But solving the mystery soon proves to be more difficult than they had thought, and when the answer isn’t what they expect, Nancy and Bree learn there are some things that remain timeless forever.

    Fans of Fancy Nancy will love joining Nancy Clancy in the latest edition to the chapter book series. The central theme of all the Nancy Clancy books shines through, showing the power of positive thinking and the will to never give up.

    About the Author

    Jane O'Connor is the author of more than thirty books for children, including Nina, Nina Ballerina, illustrated by DyAnne DiSalvo, and the Fancy Nancy picture book series. Ms. O'Connor lives with her family in ever-posh New York City.

    Desde la publicacion de Nancy la Elegante, el closet de Jane O’Connor cuenta con tantas boas, coronas y atuendos brillantes que a veces sus amigas no la reconocen por la calle. Aun reside (esa es una palabra elegante para decir que vive) en la ciudad de Nueva York con su familia y su companero canino, Arrow.

    Robin Preiss Glasser, a former professional ballet dancer, has illustrated more than fifty children's picture books, including the New York Times bestselling Fancy Nancy series, written by Jane O'Connor. Robin lives in San Juan Capistrano, California, with her husband, Bob. She has two grown children, Sasha and Ben.

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Where to Download Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Most helpful customer reviews

    8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Adults will cry, for kids it's just ok By Doug D. Compared with the other Nancy Clancy books, adults will love this one. The ending will bring a tear to your eyes when you read it to your kids. But, unlike the other Nancy Clancy books, my daughter did not want me to read it to her over and over. She liked this fourth book ok, but the earlier three were her favorite books for a while, after first reading them. It is good for kids to think about past and present and how adults were once kids, just like them. And, the fancy words, as always, will increase their vocabularies. But, if your child has never read a Nancy Clancy book before, start with one of the others.

    5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Awesome book! High quality reading! By Paul Seeburger I just read this book with my five year old daughter and my eight year old son, and we all enjoyed it. We have enjoyed all of this author's books, but I think this one was especially good. The theme of friendship mixed in with secret compartments and mysteries kept us all so interested that we kept reading multiple chapters together every day.I highly recommend this book for anyone with young children, and especially for girls ages 4-10.

    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Ope's review of Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key By Margie This is book four in the series, but the first one that I have read. It can stand alone, but it is so good I recommend starting from the beginning of the series. As an adult I enjoyed the story. I would enjoy reading it to a younger reader or having a middle grade student read it to me.I was impressed with Jane O'Connor's introduction of new vocabulary words. She used the word in a sentence, then explained it's meaning. I thought it was a clever way to expand a new readers vocabulary.The pictures in the book are a nice complement to the story. They will keep a young readers attention if someone is reading it to them.I would recommend this for anyone who is looking for short chapter books for gifts. I will definitely buy the firsts ones for my granddaughters shelf.More reviews at Ope's

    See all 64 customer reviews... Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor PDF
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    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor
    Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key, by Jane O'Connor

    Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

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    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

    Free Ebook Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

    In a wonderfully loopy third episode, Nick and Maxine are surprised to meet Captain Noodlekugel, back from the sea with a somewhat untrainable bear.When their father decides to compete to be speed-knitting champion of the world, Nick and Maxine are happy to stay with their babysitter, Mrs. Noodlekugel, along with her talking cats and four mice who wear glasses. What they don’t expect is a dripping-wet, whiskered man in the kitchen the next morning! Captain Noodlekugel has left his seafaring life to train animals for the circus, and he’s even brought with him a hefty bear named Drooly for practice. But whenever he tries to teach Drooly to dance, the bear wobbles and falls asleep on the tulips. When Drooly goes missing, the siblings must try to figure out where a big clumsy bear might go!

    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

    • Amazon Sales Rank: #719579 in Books
    • Brand: Pinkwater, Daniel Manus/ Stower, Adam (ILT)
    • Published on: 2015-05-12
    • Released on: 2015-05-12
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 7.56" h x .50" w x 5.88" l, .0 pounds
    • Binding: Hardcover
    • 96 pages
    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

    From School Library Journal K-Gr 2—Fans of Mrs. Noodlekugel's delightfully wacky and whimsical world will rejoice in Pinkwater's newest offering. The latest installment welcomes new characters Drooly Bear along with Captain Noodlekugel, Mrs. Noodlekugel's "mister" who is usually "lost at sea." During a rare stint on land, the captain treks home and declares that he has given up a life on the water in the hopes of becoming an animal trainer. Young neighbors Nick and Maxine spend a whole four days in Mrs. Noodlekugel's care—their father is competing in the speed-knitting world championship and their mother is going along—and they tag along with the captain as he attempts to train Drooly. Antics and hilarity ensue as readers follow Nick, Maxine, and the captain on their journey to train the bear, all the while grappling with Drooly nodding off and wandering away during training. Readers should know that the captain acquired Drooly (along with a canoe) from an "Inuit fellow" while shipwrecked on a piece of flotsam. The Inuit man takes a great liking to the captain and explains that he is poor and has difficulty feeding the bear, who also fights with his husky dogs. The inclusion of this unfortunately stereotyped character is both odd and unnecessary. Readers encounter the Inuit man only in this brief scene. After trading the bear to the captain for a "Mexican dollar," a gold watch, and a fish, the Inuit man paddles away on a piece of driftwood. VERDICT Pinkwater presents another silly glimpse into the world of Mrs. Noodlekugel and her talking cats and mice, but here's hoping the archaic stereotypes get lost at sea in the next installment.—Amy M. Laughlin, Darien Library, CT

    Review Fans of Mrs. Noodlekugel’s delightfully wacky and whimsical world will rejoice in Pinkwater’s newest offering.... Pinkwater presents another silly glimpse into the world of Mrs. Noodlekugel and her talking cats and mice.—School Library JournalThe appeal is the loopy conversations about sardines—and the pictures.... Utterly, endearingly ridiculous.—Kirkus ReviewsAbundant descriptions and eccentric humor showcase Pinkwater’s considerable ability to entertain. The amusing line drawings support the story. Fans will be lining up for this one—Booklist

    About the Author Daniel Pinkwater is the wildly popular author of many books for children, including the Mrs. Noodlekugel series, illustrated by Adam Stower, and Bear in Love, illustrated by Will Hillenbrand. He is a well-known authority on children’s books who appeared for many years on NPR’s Weekend Edition and now appears on The Bob Edwards Show on Sirius. Daniel Pinkwater lives in Hyde Park, New York.Adam Stower has illustrated a number of children’s books, including Bottoms Up! and Sing a Song of Bottoms!, both by Jeanne Willis. He lives in Brighton, England.

    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

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    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By aew This series is great. Fun read for our child. We hope he writes more.

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    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater
    Mrs. Noodlekugel and Drooly the Bear, by Daniel Pinkwater

    Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

    Learn French:

    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

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    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

    Best Ebook Online Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

    From a USA Today bestselling author comes a new kind of textbook... Do you want to master French? Do you like steamy, unique romance novels? Are you tired of reading boring textbooks in order to learn French? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, this is a book you should consider. We introduce a one-of-a-kind learning tool that will enhance your reading comprehension, improve your French vocabulary and grammar, and let you enjoy reading an unusual, sexy novel from a USA Today bestselling author in the process. Warning: This book contains explicit content. 18+ only.

    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

    • Amazon Sales Rank: #591442 in eBooks
    • Published on: 2015-05-01
    • Released on: 2015-05-01
    • Format: Kindle eBook
    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

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    0 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Four Stars By Powell great

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    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales
    Learn French: by Reading A Sci-Fi Erotic Romance Edition (French Edition), by Mozaika Educational, Anna Zaires, Dima Zales

    Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    Why ought to be reading The Chicano Generation: Testimonios Of The Movement, By Mario T. García Again, it will certainly depend on how you feel as well as think of it. It is surely that people of the perk to take when reading this The Chicano Generation: Testimonios Of The Movement, By Mario T. García; you can take a lot more lessons directly. Even you have actually not undertaken it in your life; you can get the experience by checking out The Chicano Generation: Testimonios Of The Movement, By Mario T. García As well as now, we will present you with the on-line book The Chicano Generation: Testimonios Of The Movement, By Mario T. García in this site.

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    Ebook PDF The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    In The Chicano Generation, veteran Chicano civil rights scholar Mario T. García provides a rare look inside the struggles of the 1960s and 1970s as they unfolded in Los Angeles. Based on in-depth interviews conducted with three key activists, this book illuminates the lives of Raul Ruiz, Gloria Arellanes, and Rosalio Muñoz—their family histories and widely divergent backgrounds; the events surrounding their growing consciousness as Chicanos; the sexism encountered by Arellanes; and the aftermath of their political histories. In his substantial introduction, García situates the Chicano movement in Los Angeles and contextualizes activism within the largest civil rights and empowerment struggle by Mexican Americans in US history—a struggle that featured César Chávez and the farm workers, the student movement highlighted by the 1968 LA school blowouts, the Chicano antiwar movement, the organization of La Raza Unida Party, the Chicana feminist movement, the organizing of undocumented workers, and the Chicano Renaissance.  Weaving this revolution against a backdrop of historic Mexican American activism from the 1930s to the 1960s and the contemporary black power and black civil rights movements, García gives readers the best representations of the Chicano generation in Los Angeles.

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    • Amazon Sales Rank: #531176 in Books
    • Published on: 2015-05-12
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .90" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 352 pages
    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    Review "["Heavy Ground"] does something unexpected. It opens a new perspective onto William Mulholland... [bringing him] to life in all his sharp-elbowed, stubborn glory, saddened and perplexed by the St. Francis Dam debacle yet prideful until the end."--John Buntin"Wall Street Journal" (01/22/2016)

    From the Inside Flap "A fascinating voyage back to a time when young Mexican Americans became Chicanas and Chicanos so that they could dismantle the structures that had denied their parents and grandparents the dignity they deserved. Through the eyes of three key protagonists, we experience the exhilaration, frustration, courage, defeats, and victories of a small group of dedicated organizers who understood that the risks they took and the sacrifices they made would improve conditions for their generation and generations to come. Fifty years later with rampant inequality on the rise, their stories are more compelling than ever."—Jorge Mariscal, author of Brown-Eyed Children of the Sun: Lessons from the Chicano Movement, 1965–1975 "These stories are invaluable for understanding not only the Chicano/a movement (and in fact Gloria Arellanes’s testimony makes clear that we should call it the Chicano/a movement), but also the way that activists are formed, how they view themselves beyond their radical work, and what they see as their contributions to their communities. Although García uses a familiar approach to gather these voices, he nonetheless yields original and significant content that provides great insight into the relationship between the personal and the political."—Ernesto Chávez, author of "¡Mi Raza Primero!": Nationalism, Identity, and Insurgency in the Chicano Movement in Los Angeles, 1966–1978 "García affirms again why he is one of the premier historians of the Chicano movement as he continues to peel the layers off that social catharsis with this new book, which introduces us to three individuals whose lives reflect those of many others who became activists for La Raza. This self-portrayal guided and constructed with García’s ample understanding of the movement and the daily lives of Chicanos will enhance our understanding of that most important era of Mexican American history."—Ignacio M. García, author of When Mexicans Could Play Ball "The Chicano Generation continues to fill in the spacious canvas that Mario T. García has been painting throughout his career as one of our preeminent historians. The voices of Ruiz, Arellanes, and Muñoz narrate and critique the development of el movimiento, as well as offer an indispensable portrait of Los Angeles at a crucial crossroads—the moment that Chican@s took history into their own hands. Told in testimonial style, it is the voice of the movement itself.”—Rubén Martínez, author of Desert America: A Journey across Our Most Divided Landscape "Books like this are important, not just for scholars but to a wider audience. These were real people who created change that many of us still benefit from today."—El Paso Times

    About the Author Mario T. García is Professor of Chicano Studies and History at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author of many books, including The Gospel of César Chávez, Mexican Americans, A Dolores Huerta Reader, Desert Immigrants, Blowout!: Sal Castro and the Chicano Struggle for Educational Justice, and Memories of Chicano History (UC Press).

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

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    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A Candid and Revealing View of the Chicano Movement in Los Angeles 1968-1971 By Alberto Juarez, Adjunt Professor Chicano Studies, LA Mission College The remembrances of Gloria Arrellanes, Rosalio Munoz and Raul Ruiz bring a needed, candid and important perspective of the events in which they participated in the Chicano Movement in 1968-1971 as very young people. As participants and leaders within this tempestuous period set against the backdrop of the Anti-Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement across the nation - they give an important narrative about the role of Chicanos and other young Latinos and their fight to bring recognition to the needs of the Chicano community - especially in Los Angeles and the Southwest, But perhaps more importantly they were part of the legion of young people that gave voice to a community long neglected by a national media that was focused on African American struggle in the South and the anti-war demonstrations at Eastern universities. While this book is certainly not the definitive study on the Chicano Civil Rights Movement, it offers a wealth of material for scholars to begin to research and provide some analysis of the background, development and motivation - if not state of mind of this generation of youth that gave impetus to the emergence of Latinos as a social, economic and political force to be reckoned with in the 21st Century. Gloria Arellanes' story is particularly compelling in her bitter sweet remembrances of the role and treatment of the "Movimiento" young women who challenged the "machismo" of their male counterparts. Raul Ruiz's eye witness account of the tear gas attack by LA County Sheriff Deputies on the Silver Dollar Cafe and subsequent homicide of Ruben Salazar is chilling. Rosalio Munoz's story is remarkable as to how he goes from the first ever Chicano UCLA student body president, draft resister to that of a key leader in the Chicano Anti Vietnam War Movement and the largest demonstration of Chicanos and Latinos in opposition to the War in ELA ever witnessed in Los Angeles. This is a must read for students of this critical period in Chicano history.

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    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García

    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García
    The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement, by Mario T. García