Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

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Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

Download Ebook Online Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

Critical Reading provides a systematic introduction to the process of analyzing and evaluating a written text. Students develop critical reading skills through analysis of texts from authentic sources (journals, newspapers, magazines, and websites) and a variety of academic dsiciplines. They are encouraged to develop their comprehension and vocabulary skills, while forming a reasoned assessment of the effectiveness and validity of a text.

  • The text goes beyond the standard "reading comprehension plus vocabulary" approach.
  • Includes opportunities for further research, as well as writing tasks designed to allow students to synthesize the materials they have read and reach an individual conclusion.
  • Each chapter introduces a fundamental skill for developing critical awareness, including:
    • considering place and date of publication;
    • identifying author bias and purpose;
    • distinguishing between fact and opinion;
    • gauging scope of research;
    • evaluating evidence;
    • comparing the author's argument to other points of view; and
    • ultimately, evaluating the strength and validity of an argument with the goal of writing a critical review of the article.
  • Teachers can access My eLab documents for support materials including answer keys and tests.

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #629437 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.70" h x .70" w x 8.30" l, 1.35 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 248 pages
Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

From the Back Cover Critical Reading provides a systematic introduction to the process of analyzing and evaluating a written text. Students develop critical reading skills through analysis of texts from authentic sources (journals, newspapers, magazines, and websites) and a variety of academic dsiciplines. They are encouraged to develop their comprehension and vocabulary skills, while forming a reasoned assessment of the effectiveness and validity of a text.

  • The text goes beyond the standard "reading comprehension plus vocabulary" approach.
  • Includes opportunities for further research, as well as writing tasks designed to allow students to synthesize the materials they have read and reach an individual conclusion.
  • Each chapter introduces a fundamental skill for developing critical awareness, including:
    • considering place and date of publication;
    • identifying author bias and purpose;
    • distinguishing between fact and opinion;
    • gauging scope of research;
    • evaluating evidence;
    • comparing the author's argument to other points of view; and
    • ultimately, evaluating the strength and validity of an argument with the goal of writing a critical review of the article.
  • Teachers can access My eLab documents for support materials including answer keys and tests.

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

Where to Download Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

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Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison Kindle

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison
Critical Reading: English for Academic Purposes, by Tania Pattison

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