The Linguistic CerebellumFrom Academic Press
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The Linguistic CerebellumFrom Academic Press
Download Ebook PDF The Linguistic CerebellumFrom Academic Press
The Linguistic Cerebellum provides a comprehensive analysis of this unique part of the brain that has the most number of neurons, each operating in distinct networks to perform diverse functions.
This book outlines how those distinct networks operate in relation to non-motor language skills. Coverage includes cerebellar anatomy and function in relation to speech perception, speech planning, verbal fluency, grammar processing, and reading and writing, along with a discussion of language disorders.
- Discusses the neurobiology of cerebellar language functions, encompassing both normal language function and language disorders
- Includes speech perception, processing, and planning
- Contains cerebellar function in reading and writing
- Explores how language networks give insight to function elsewhere in the brain
- Published on: 2015-09-07
- Released on: 2015-09-07
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Where to Download The Linguistic CerebellumFrom Academic Press
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Great Book By John Mather The authors of "The Linguistic Cerebellum” have successfully merged the fields of linguistics, neuropsychology, and neurology in a cogent monograph detailing the critical role of the cerebellum in language acquisition, development and automaticity. I would highly recommend this book to students, practitioners and those in academia in a variety of clinical fields including neuropsychology and speech and language pathology. This is an excellent book and is a must have in one’s clinical library. John Mather, Ph.D. Neuropsychologist
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